Booking a colour service
In order to book an appointment for any colour service with Myla and Davis we require that you complete a ColourStart passport. The ColourStart patch test takes 5 days to complete, can be posted to you to do at home, and only needs to be completed once. However if your medical circumstances change, eg. pregnancy or certain illnesses, you may need to review this. For more information click here.
Alternatively, we offer a three day ‘manual’ patch test option for those who cannot complete the ColourStart passport. The manual patch test can be carried out in person at one of our salons 7 days prior to your appointment and no less than 3 days before your appointment. Manual patch tests need to be completed before every colour service
Look at the diagram below to see which test is most suitable for you.
ColourStart Patch Test Guide
Step 1 – Can you use it?
Check with our Patch test flow diagram to see if you can use the ColourStart patch test.
Do you have time before your appointment?
Check whether your appointment is more than 5 days away, if not you will have to do our two day manual patch test at one of our salons.
Step 2 – Purchase
The patch is a one off payment of £15.
Purchase here or come into any of our salons and ask our receptionists to purchase a ColourStart patch test.
Step 3 – Register
Once you have purchased your patch test you need to register and make an account with ColourStart via their website:
Once you have made an account it will ask you to:
1. Find Your Hair Professional
This will be Myla and Davis, Railton Road (this address applies to all of our salons)
2. Take Screening Questionnaire
This will just confirm that you are able to use the patch test.
3. Use ColourStart Patch Test
Click ‘I have my patch test’ and record your ‘batch number’ found on the back of the packet and proceed with the ColourStart instructions on your account.
Step 4 – Apply test
1. Stick your patch test on
2. Snap a picture
3. Upload it to your account
4. Remove patch test after 48 hours when you receive the ColourStart notification (2 days)
5. Upload a picture of the test area after 96 hours, when you receive the ColourStart notification (4 days)
Step 5 – Complete
If no reaction occurs your appointment can go ahead as planned. If any of the reactions described in the instructions occur, your appointment cannot go ahead.
For more information on the ColourStart patch test and process please see the ColourStart website, or alternatively get in touch with a member of the Myla and Davis team.
Once you have completed the steps outlined above, you will receive a ColourStart Passport and can book colour appointments without any further testing (except for where your medical circumstances change). We hope that this will, ultimately, make colour bookings easier in the long run.
How to use Colour Start at home
Allergy Test Policy Change
The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) guidance on patch-testing has changed. Unfortunately, this means that we now must ask all customers to complete a one-off ColourStart Passport at least 5 days before their appointment.
We have been informed by our insurers that all colour clients will now be required to undertake the new screening and patch-test process ahead of any colour service at Myla and Davis. This includes those who have been tested previously.
The new patch-tests need only be taken once, unless your medical circumstances change; pregnancy or certain illnesses, for example. For more information here.